Instead, I've compiled a small list of the Freaks and the Misunderstood. The Berrys are huge fans of animals, especially ugly ones. Here are some of our favorites and the reasons why:

I don't think anyone knows why this thing exists,
but it sure is fun to look at.

It looks like a mop. And I want one.

A mix between Squidward and Gonzo.

Ok, it's not really a freak of nature, but bulldogs are really ugly. But unlike the blobfish, they are ugly in a ridiculously cute way.
Nate's next goal in life: Adopt a bulldog just like this one.

Do I need a reason for this thing to be on the list?
Just look at it. It's horrible.

I know that's not very nice, but they certainly are freaks of nature. I have just one question for these guys:

So at first I didn't think this was real, but unfortunately I was wrong. Somebody owns this dog and is keeping it alive.
I'd be afraid that it would try to eat my brains at night.

#7. Ugly cat
I don't know what happened to this cat,
but it couldn't have been good.

We love sloths. This one couldn't be happier to be sitting in that box.
For those of you who may have seen Return to Oz:
Is it just me or does this sloth look like a Wheeler?
I'm going to have nightmares for sure.