Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad Acting?


My Friend Bora

I was recently requested by a good friend to dedicate a post to her awesomeness.

The nerve! This is awesome BERRIES, not awesome EVERYONE ELSE. puh.

However, since I am one of those one in a million types...the type of friend that lights up a room when I walk in causing angels to sing from the heavens, I will dedicate this post to Bora.

Here is a haiku I wrote:

Bora is my friend

Green shoes make prints in the sand

In Hawai'i'i

She also likes American Gladiator, which is pretty cool.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Awesomeberries Introduce: GeographyHelper

This post is to inform you of another post. I have a new website/blog specifically for geography and travel-type information and discussions. It is not even close to done, but if you care you are welcome to look at it. :)

Click on this: www.geographyhelper.com/geolady. If you can't click on it, copy and paste. Pretty easy. Today's special topic is *drumroll* Saint Patrick's Day! SURPRISE!

In the future the blog will have interesting travel info as well as maps and geography tips. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan, the forum will be a great spot where people can ask and answer questions about where things are and what to expect when you go there. If you have any special topics you are interested in or ideas for the blog, let me know and I will make it happen! Well, Nate will probably make it happen. I'll just type stuff.
